Where does it end?
For that matter, where the hell does it begin? Ford announced that it plans to cut up to 2000 salaried jobs. These are the non-production people, those that have support functions for the production line. So, now because the Ford executives completely mismanaged the company for so many years...all the while giving the shareholders B.S. profits the little person who still needs to feed their family has to pay the price.
I don't understand how this comes about. What happened? Did the executives wake up one day and find out that their financial scheming wasn't the cornucopia for them that they thought it would be? So now the company is no longer profitable, and they don't expect it to return to profitability in 2009 and they projected (gee, what a surprise! They now have to admit their incompetence!). So, who pays the price? The little person. Do you think that ANY of these 2000 salaried employees will get anything close to the financial gain that the executives get if they were "let go"? Hell no!! These executives will rape and pillage until they are put 6 feet under. These executives have mismanaged the company to the point that I would be surprised if they ever able to bring it back to any kind of profitability. Hey, look at their great long-term thinking...they pushed SUV's because they KNEW that there was no end to cheap gasoline. Yeah, right! The ONLY silver lining here is that you have one set of corporate executives, for the sake of their own obscene profits...they put the screws to another set of corporate executives. And these auto executives didn't see any further then the end of their noses. I guess then oil executives forgot to tell the auto executives of their plans to rip off the consumer so that the auto executives could put some aside for just this kind of situation. HA!
What makes me sad is to think of all of those people that are going to get laid off, scrambling in a messed up economy (Thank you, Mr. Moron Bush!) and no one is going to care if they or their families live or die...unless they are a large political contributor (which then would mean they wouldn't be in the position they are). These corporate executives should be taken to task for what they've done...but they won't because the only ones who have the power to do so are the same ones that are exactly like them. If they work to expose these auto executives, then they expose themselves, too.
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